吸血情圣[电影解说]是由哈维尔·阿吉雷执导,保罗·纳什,哈蒂·波丽托弗,罗萨娜·雅尼,Ingrid Garbo,米尔塔·米列尔,Víctor Alcázar,伊万诺·德·卢纳,Loreta Tovar,何塞·曼努埃尔·马丁,Susana Latour,Julia Peña主演的一部电影解说。主要讲述了:Sharing his hunger for female flesh was his thirst for human blood...
4.2/5 I haven’t seen “moon” so this is the first time for me watching this type of movie and I love it.
1.feed the alien:气球形态的外星人调皮捣蛋还有点萌,电梯大战笑死 2.talk to the bomb:"Teach it phenomenology, Doolittle." do little, talk much 3.思考存在主义的炸弹过于硬核,“我思故我在”,人类都是false data→思考的结果:“Let there be light.”----boom!!(恶搞圣经笑疯了) 4.结尾:我能想到的最浪漫的事,就是在临死前互相表白,然后变成小行星的一部分永远环绕宇宙……太空冲浪太硬核了!"What a beautiful way to die as a falling star." 5.一开始以为是严肃科幻没想到这么好笑哈哈哈哈哈!黑色幽默贯穿始终,风格化配乐初见雏形,低成本高质量佳作,膜拜卡朋特!