天空之城日版是由田村直己,中前勇儿,星野和成执导,松下奈绪,木村文乃,比嘉爱未,高桥玛莉润,小雪,田边诚一,大谷亮平,铃木浩介,本多力,新井美羽 Miu Arai,坂元爱登 Manato Sakamoto,田牧空 Sora Tamaki,柴崎枫雅 Fuga Shibazaki,松藤史恩 Shion Matsufuji,白山乃爱,桥本润,大西利空,户田菜穗,松田有咲,藤真利子,前原滉,内藤理沙,映美藏良,小野武彦主演的一部日剧。主要讲述了:日本将翻拍经典韩剧《天空之城》,韩国公司 SLL已经与朝日电视台于上个月签署了合作协议。两家公司表示,日本翻拍版已经开始拍摄,并将于 7 月播出。 日版的故事将聚焦高中入学考试上,四位主演包括松下
I hope when you're reading this letter, that I'm sitting there next to you and you're telling me that I'm stupid for writing it and crazy for trying to find you. But how could I not? It's you. All this time, so many years apart, I've missed you, but I have never been without you. You have always been with me.