五个小故事,应该把第四个和第一个排在前面。 说说每个故事的优缺点,第一个的反转很棒,第二个一般,第三个就是sh*t,第四个虎头蛇尾但拍的不错,第五个一般但很烂,整部电影看下来感觉就是给第一个导演做陪衬?四个导演给一个导演抬轿子???这部电影会浪费你的时间
You may or may not like the movie as much as I do, but here are a few observations, and predictions re your response: one, while the main drift of the story is unsurprising, the move is far from totally predictable; two, as in movies greater than this one, there are here many "unnecessary" elaborations and details that pay tribute to the complexity