错爱1987是由李鼎伦执导,张兆辉,关礼杰,周海媚主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:一个动荡岁月中的爱情故事,阵容鼎盛,由李鼎伦监制,以三兄弟的手足情为经,以一段波折重重、可歌可泣的爱情为纬,编织成一个荡气回肠的动人故事! 故事发生于20年代的上海,龚启光学成归国,在船上勇救富
「They were born on the wrong side of the wall. That doesn't make them monsters.(Ep01)」「There's no justice in the world. Not unless we make it.(Ep03)」「There's only one war. Life against death.(Ep04)」「I served Lady Catelyn. I serve her still.(Ep05)」「It can't be any worse. → It can. It can always be worse.(Ep07)」