这魔性的英文OP和英文插曲……加上乱伦和怪物特摄我也是醉了。珠子挑人太随便……但毛野和信乃超凄美 /_\ 真甜小队长年轻时颜值很高啊~亲兵卫最后的八犬装有点帅 == 不过公主迷上这个一出现就撕人衣服,掉下悬崖又拼命踩别人头的家伙是闹哪样啊 囧 麻里阿姨有露点……莫非阿姨戏路从前就是这么妖的?
2.5 Emperor Cinemas; Cinity 120 frames just killed the excitement and speeding feelings of the action scene, it’s too clear and vivid for naked eye; Jr. should be Jaden; how can Henry become his darkness when he didn’t even know his presence? I always thought it’s experience and choice make you who you are, not gene, and the end confirms it.