命运交响曲是由柯翰辰,李旭敏执导,杨幂,冯绍峰,郭珍霓,迟帅,张伦硕,周晓涵,陶慧敏,左翎,王伯昭,陈为民主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:安琪(杨幂 饰)和安娜(郭珍霓 饰)本是情同手足的姐妹,却因为爱上了同一个男人刘辰熙(冯绍峰 饰)而反目成仇,从此分道扬镳。安娜考上了大学前往上海深造,而落榜的安琪则幸运的遇见了名为赵天佑(张伦硕
Maybe it doesn't worth 5 star but at this cozy fierce rainy night, give me the potence to bias. It is about a fucking life at this moment and a thousand glowing beautiful right-nows. I love you always forever. You are the love of my life. Live your own life no matter what the cost is. Just do whatever it feels right and follow your heart.