如果烧陶的话也做个马克杯吧是由神谷纯执导,田中美海,芹泽优,若井友希,本泉莉奈主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:丰川姬乃(田中美海 配音)的母亲在她很小的时候就去世了,这么多年来,她一直和父亲过着相依为命的日子。这一天,姬乃跟随着父亲搬家来到了母亲的故乡岐阜县多治见市,不仅如此,姬乃还即将进入母亲曾经就读过
Feels like a Woody Allen film with a more personal and feministic touch. I can resonate with Frances in so many ways: an idealist, a dreamer, messy, undateable, being broke in late 20s but still unwilling to cave in and settle for less. I understand their friendship: “a les couple who don’t have sex anymore.” And that’s why I love this film.