《银河英雄传说 Die Neue These 邂逅》剧情简介
银河英雄传说 Die Neue These 邂逅是由多田俊介执导,宫野真守,铃村健一,梅原裕一郎,梶裕贵,诹访部顺一,小野大辅,中村悠一,川岛得爱,远藤绫,三木真一郎,石冢运升,水内清光,藤原贵弘,楠见尚己,竹内良太,福松进纱,目黑光祐,樱井透,畠中祐,小野友树,下山吉光主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:数千年后的未来,进入宇宙空间的人类, 被分为银河帝国与自由行星同盟这两个 拥有“专制政治”与“民主主义”两种不同政治体制的国家。 两国之间的抗争持续了150年, 以无边无际的广袤银河为舞台
《银河英雄传说 Die Neue These 邂逅》相关评论
To me it is like watching two poor people fooled and enslaved by their feelings and emotions. Love is not (only) emotions and feelings, but commitment and responsibility. You can't expect there arise a true love only from four-day interactions. It's an affair triggered by lust and selfish desire. I don't understand why we would glamorize it as real romance or