与晨同光是由林柯执导,孙怡,白敬亭,朱嘉琦,夏阳,赫雷,薛昊婧,杨玥,钟伟伦,杜功海,靳锦,赵耀兴主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:黎初遥(孙怡 饰)生在一个普通的家庭,有个可爱的弟弟初晨,姐弟两人感情甚好。可初晨在取得三千米长跑冠军后却在家中遭遇了火灾,不治身亡。黎母因此变得疯癫,最终将跟着初遥回家的李洛书(白敬亭 饰)当成
2019/02/24 日式次元动漫面,欧式史诗故事底,萝莉面相配很真实的生死别离实在违和,无论母子情或爱情的变更都很胶,分分钟似乎要崩坏成乱伦剧又突然收尾,而憨鳩公主斯德哥尔摩更无力吐槽,画质场景浓厚中土风,就连最后回到探望艾瑞尔就有浓浓的干豆腐去夏尔找比尔博·巴金斯的画面感。其实修建一下剧本搞个真人版说不定能申奥~
Watched the 3 movies version, which is a summary of the whole series. Some reviewers consider that the shortened films version is better, as its pace is less erratic & focused, and many useless / uninteresting scenes have been left out. Others consider that some important chara-dev is lacking. It's quite clear indeed that the director's cut gives the feeling of a very packed journey. However, I also believe that the formulaic format of the episode, in which the same elements have all to be gathered in every single one can be tiresome and a bit boring. The movies somehow shake up this generic structure. It has also to be noted that this series might be the best of the franchise.