年度最佳!个人反抗史比skywalker英雄的宿命论要好看太多,也艰辛太多。无数挣扎其中的人们,或蛰伏待机或奋起反抗,everyone has their own reasons.“分途来修行发着贴心声音”,到那一天到来的时候,银河系没有人再应该沉睡下去了。Remember this. And try. There is one way out. 安多的成长线写的太好了,一开始普通人都想偏安一隅的生活,直到这场压迫与我们每个人息息相关。任何一点微小的举措你都会推动这个大厦崩塌。此时此景看这些,希望所有人都能接受到力量和反思,这是写给我们当下的一支强心剂。普通人的抗争孤独且无望,我们牺牲一切只为了那个我们看不到的日出,做对的事情就绝无可能放弃。Authority is brittle.
Cause of death: savage gutting; crime weapon: playing cards. The Cincinnati kid (Steve McQueen) is a prodigy of the stud poker game, but is he going to dethrone the most reputable player of all, “the man” himself (G. Robinson)? And will the earnest dealer and friend of both (Karl Malden) remain impartial? A dream cast at the service of a minimal though sharp story. As far as scripting goes, sometimes less is more – it makes every action, though innocuous it may seem, actually loaded with meaning. By the time the twist-in-the-tail ending slams down ruthlessly, we reel back & ponder the forces that drove to the fateful outcome. The writing was on the wall, we just weren't inclined to read.