关于我转生变成史莱姆这档事是由菊地康仁执导,冈咲美保,丰口惠美,前野智昭,花守由美里主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:电视动画《关于我转生变成史莱姆这档事》 改编自伏濑创作的同名轻小说,于2018年3月宣布了动画化的消息。动画由8-bit负责制作,于2018年10月播出。史莱姆生活,开始了。上班族的三上悟在道路上被歹
It's not about winning.It's about you and your relationship to yourself and your family and your friends.Bein' perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didn't let them down.Because you told 'em the truth.And that truth is that you did everything that you could.There wasn't one more thing that you could've done